Friday, September 18, 2009

BoredOm~what can i do??


BOREDOM~occurs when one cannot stand not having anythng to do. The body may be at rest but the brain keeps wanting something to hapen or to do....just like me~although today is tiring day for me...but still dun want goin to rest~Apalah u elice...lollz
The first thing i notice about boredom is that it is a peculiar human affliction affecting grown-ups and teenagers. Very young children and other living things do not seem to be bothered by boredom..but why will happend on me??confusing~mayb im too old nia
When my body takes a rest, it is not long before the monkey of a brain starts demanding some activity. It cannot stand activity. So i feels very uncomfortable. Taking it easy and the brain keeps saying how boring it eventually i goes and do something to satify the demands of my brain.
There is only one way to counteract this affliction. BOREDOM is the condition where i cannot stand doing nothing. In other words, I cannot stand being myself without........this means i does not love myself enough to feel at peace within. So the only way is to learn to LOVE myself again, by willingly giving up my 'busy-ness' and not indulging in unnecessary thinking. That way my brain learns to take a rest too. In time, boredom can thus be eliminated.......

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